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Minggu, 11 November 2012

Computer Organization

The computer comes from the Latin meaning computare count.Because of the extent of arable fields of computer science, experts and researchersslightly different in defining termininologi computer.
• According to Hamacher [1], a computer is a machineElectronic counters are fast and canreceive digital input information, thenproceed in accordance with the programstored in memory, and producesoutput information.

• According Blissmer [2], the computer is an electronic device thatable to perform several tasks as follows:- Receive input;- Process the input earlier in accordance with the program;- Keep the commandments and the results of the processing;- Provide output in the form of information• While Fuori [3] found that the computer is adata processor that can perform large calculationsQuickly, including arithmetic and logic operations, withoutof human intervention.The system computer work broadly divided into 3 parts, andall parts are interrelated to one another.


• The input device or input device is the computer hardwarefunction to enter data or commands into a computer
• Process device or processing tools are computer hardwarewhich serves to process data or commands received by theinput devices and return results to the data processingthe output section
• Output device or output device is the computer hardwarefunction to display the results that have been processed by the processKeyboardThe creation of a computer keyboard on a typewriter was inspired by the creation of abasic design is created and patented by Christopher Lathamin 1868, and heavily marketed in 1877 by theRemington Company.The first computer keyboard customizedof punching cards (punch cards) anddistance delivery technology posts(Teletype). ENIAC computer in 1946using a card reader manufacturerhole (punched card reader) as a toolinput and output.When you hear the word "keyboard" then the mind can not be separated from thea computer, the keyboard is a board consistingof buttons to type sentences and special symbolsother computers. Keyboard in the Indonesian language meanskeyboard or keypad. On the keyboard there tomboltombolletters A - Z, a - z, the numbers 0 - 9, and the special characters such as: `~ @ # $% ^ & * () _ - + = <> /,. ? :; "'\ |, And special buttonsthe other is a total of 104 keys. While inTypewriters button number is 52 buttons. Forms keyboardgenerally rectangular, but the current model of the keyboard is very varied. Previously, many people who use either a regular typewriterand electric typewriters. Well, the keyboard has the same formand function to a typewriter. The difference is in the outputor zoom. When we use typewriters, we can noterase or undo anything that has any type andevery single letter or symbol we type the direct result welook on paper. Not so with the keyboard. What wetype in the result or output can be seen on the screen priorfirst, then we can modify or do perubahanperubahanwriting, typing and other errors. Likealso "mouse", the keyboard is connected to a computer with a cablefound on the keyboard. End of the cable is inserted into theports found on the computer's CPU.Physically, the keyboard is divided into four sections, namely:
1. Serial KeyboardUsing DIN 5 male and is usually used on the computerAT type.2. Keyboard PS / 2Usually used on a computer ATX and is currently the mostwidely used. Installation of this type of keyboard shoulddone carefully, because the port is owned equally byport for the mouse.
3. Wireless KeyboardAs the name implies, this type does not use the keyboard cableas a liaison between the computer keyboard. Typeconnection used is infra red, wifi or bluetooth. Forconnect the keyboard to the computer, it takes a unittransmitter and receiver. Transmitter unit is usually found onthe keyboard itself, while the receiver is usually mounted onUSB or serial port on the CPU.
4. USB KeyboardLatest computers are now many use typesUSB connector that ensures faster data transfer.
The structure of a key on the keyboardFrom the side buttons are used, the keyboard has a developmentnot too rapidly since first discovered. It merelyaddition - the addition of some more help buttonsspeed up the opening of the application program.In general, the structure of a key on the keyboard is divided into four, namely:
1. Type button (typing keys)Button type is one part of the keyboard containing theletters and numbers and punctuation.In general, there are two types of arrangement of letters on the keyboard, the typeQWERTY and Dvorak. However, the most used tonow is the QWERTY layout.
2. Numeric KeypadNumeric keypad is a special section of the keyboard containing thenumbers and are very useful for entering data in the form of numbersand arithmetic operations. Structure of the numbers drawn to resemblecalculators and other calculators.
3. Function Keys (Function Keys)In 1986, IBM added several key functions instandard keyboard. This button can be used as a commandspecifically included in the operating system or application.
4. The control buttons (Control keys)This button provides control over the cursor and screen. Buttonare included in this category are 4 key arrows symbolbetween the type and the numeric keypad, home, end, insert, delete,page up, page down, control (ctrl), alternate (alt) and escape (esc).
Some of the function keys on the keyboard:
1. ALT key works when its usepaired with other keys like F4Useful for example to ShutDown orWindows closes the current program.
2. The CTRL key works whenuse paired with thesuch as the C or also called CTRLCwould be useful to copy the object saatuappointed to the clipboard, which can then becopied to the specified work areaby using CTRL-V
3. Keys F1 - F12 are function keysadjusted utilization systemoperation or application. For example, F1 is usuallyused to display the Help menuwill provide an explanation of the applicationongoing
4. ESC (Escape) is the keytheir role with CANCEL option,that is to cancel one job step
5. The Enter key is the key that their roletogether with a selection of the OK button, which is tostated that the operations performed welland complete. Enter also can mean inserta blank line or a line in theincome text.
6. In the dialog window, press the TABmeans moving to a field or fields or areasthe next option. At the moment the process of typing,TAB means jump to the termination TAB (tab-stop)nearby.
7. Move the character pointer (cursor) in accordancedirection arrows concerned.
8. Useful when typing process. PressBackspace button will cause the character(Letter) to the left of the cursor deleted.
9. Useful when typing process. PressDelete button will result incharacters (letters) on the right or the placethe cursor is deleted.10. Useful when typing process. Pressthe Home button will cause the cursormove to the beginning of the line where the cursor is.
11. Useful when typing process. PressEnd key will cause the cursormove to the end of the line where the cursor is
12. Useful when typing process. PressPgUp key will cause the cursormove up as far as the display of the cursorbe
13. Useful when typing process. PressPgUp key will cause the cursormove down as far as the display of the cursorbe
• The keyboard is one of the input devices are functioningto enter data directly to the parts of the process
• Physically, the keyboard can be divided into four types, namely:A. Serial;B. PS2;C. Wireless;D. USB.
• The keyboard consists of four main parts, namely:A. Typing keys;B. Numeric keypad;C. Function keys;D. Control keys.
• The type on the keyboard consists of two types, namely QWERTY andDvorak.

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