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Blogger news

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012


1. Understanding DatabaseIn everyday life, we will not be separated from the data. For example, data about students, value, price, food, and others. In order for the data to be a useful information for people who read it, then the data should be organized and managed in a database file. For organizing and processing the data with the computer needed a database management system (DBMS). With a DBMS, we can add, modify, delete, and sort the data in the order that suits you need and make reports to the data. Database or commonly known as the database is a data set that is connected to an object, topic, or a particular purpose. Examples of databases include: phone books, dictionaries books, catalogs books diperpustakaaan, and others.2. Know Microsoft Access 2007

Microsoft Access 2007 or better known as Access 2007 is a software that is designed to process the database under Windows system. Using Microsoft Access 2007 you can design, create, and process the database easily and quickly. Many conveniences are obtained when working with Microsoft Access 2007, including arrangements to make the process of sorting the data, labeling data and reporting of data such as daily activities to accommodate customer lists, employee data collection, and so forth.3. Database In Access 2007In the process the database, Access 2007 has the means or objects that may be easier to build a database. The objects include: Table 1.1 Objects in Access 2007 Attractions UsesTable is a place or means for data storageQuery is used to filter the data by various criteria and the desired orderForm is used to enter and change data or information in a database using a form viewReport is used to display or print the data or information in the form of reportsThere are several terms that should be known at the time working in the Access 2007 are:a. Table is a collection of data that has a specific topic. Tables organize data in them in the form of columns (fields) and rows (records).b. Field is a place or where data or information in the same group or similar inserted. Field is generally stored in the form of a vertical column in the table.c. Record a complete data in a single amount which is usually stored in the form of a horizontal line on the chart.
4. Starting Microsoft Access 2007To run Microsoft Access 2007, follow these steps: Click Start  All Programs   select select Microsoft Office   select it and click the Microsoft Office Access 2007.5. So the screen seems Microsoft Access dialog box as follows:
At the start screen, click one of the following options:1) Blank Database   if you want to create a new, empty database. Type a file name in the dialog box that appears to the right of Access 2007.2) Featured Online Templates   if you want to create a database using the template provided by the Windows Sharepoints Service Site.Click Create to Blank Database option or click Download to options in Featured Online Templates.5. Creating a New DatabaseTo create a new database, the steps are as follows:a. At the beginning of select Blank Database or can also choose New   Blank database on the Microsoft Office Button.b. After a dialog to enter the name of the database file, enter the address along with the name of the database file manually or can click the folder to save automatically.c. Click the Create button to create a database or the Cancel button to cancel the process of making a database file.
6. Opening Files DatabaseTo open the database file can be done by:a. Click the Office Button and then click Open.b. In the folder list, locate the folder or the address of the repository database files.c. When you arrive at the desired database file, select one of the following:1. Double click to open the database file.2. Select the desired database file and click the Open button to open it.7. Closing the Active Database FilesTo close the current database, the steps are as follows:a. Click the Office Button.b. Click the Close Database (Ctrl + W).
8. Terminating Access 2007To end or close Access 2007, you can just click the Close button (X) of the current Access window or press simultaneously the Alt and F4 on the keyboard.

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