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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

sains: sulfate

Understanding SulfateSulphate is an ion of sulfur that has been bonded to oxygen. The S atom bonded to two O atoms, the bond is still short of two electrons more so epitomized SO4-2. Examples of the compound H2SO4 (sulfuric acid). Sulfur compounds are easily found in nature, such as in the rain. Sulfur compounds are also derived from the plant effluent (waste) paper, textiles (because the manufacturing process or staining using sulfuric acid), and other industries.The effects SulfateMaximum concentration that still allowed in the water 250 mg / l. Cause laxative if the levels are in the form of magnesium and Sodiums. Sulfur compounds are irritation of the digestive tract (gastro intestinal), if in
the form of a mixture of magnesium or sodium at doses that do not fit the rules, for example the usual form of magnesium sulfate is added to water to help minurn precipitation (water purification) after the addition of chlorine. Forms natriurn sulphate used for treatment of diuretic or satincathartic. When you consume less water, the two compounds will form crystals that can damage pencernaran channel.Water containing high concentrations of sulfate caused by natural leaching of magnesium sulphate deposits (Epsum salt) or sodium sulphate.Effect sulfate: a high concentration of sulfate in drinking water that has three effects:• It contains appreciable amounts of water sulfate (S04) tend to form hard - scale boilers and heat exchangers.• Sufat taste and effect• Sulfate can cause a laxative effect with excessive intake.Laxative effect which is usually listed in sulfate while the user of the water because the people who used high levels of sulfate in drinking water has no adverse response. Diarrhea can be forced sulfate at levels greater than 500 mg / L of sulfate. While sulfate imparts a slightly milder taste to drinking water from the chloride, does not feel effects were detected below 300 mg / L. Acceptable levels of sulfate content in drinking water is 200 mg / L and the rul is 400 mg / L.Sulfate Test MethodHow to detect the content of sulfate in the water can be done by using a spectrophotometer (quantitative test), while for the rapid detection (qualitative test) by simply reacting the water samples with a solution of barium chloride 10% at neutral pH conditions. The reaction in the form of a white precipitate indicates positive water samples containing contaminant sulfur compounds. How to faster detection can be performed using the ujisulfat (semi-quantitative test), in the form of Kit-sulfate that has been commercially produced.MethodTesting Sulfate in water with a spektrofometerSNI 06-2426-1991SCOPEScope of testing includes testing means that there sulfate levels in water between 1-40 mg / l SO4 and the use of turbidity with a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 420 nm.SUMMARYThis test method is intended as a handle in the implementation levels of sulfate in water testing. The purpose of this test method to obtain the levels of sulfate in the water.Tools include:• spectrophotometer single beam or double beam having a wavelength range of 190-900 nm and a slit width of 0.2 to 2 nm and was calibrated at the time of use.• magnetic stirrer equipped with rotary speed control fixed and time.• Spoon 2-3 ml.• Pipette size 5, 10, 20, 25 and 50 ml.• Pumpkin measuring 200 and 1000 ml.Preparation of the test specimen:• Provide a test sample taken in accordance with the method of sampling water quality testing.• Measure 150 ml sample in duplicate and enter into a 250 ml beaker.• If the sample turbid, filtered with a filter membrane.• Then the object is ready for testing.How to test the levels of sulfate, among others:• Measure 100 ml of the test object and enter into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.• Add 5.0 ml of the solution into the condition of the specimen, stirring with a magnetic stirrer and tambahkn 1 tablespoon Crystal BaCL2.2H2O.

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