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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

sains: ekologi

Ecology is the science which is a branch of biology which studies the interaction between the elements of the natural environment with a particular approach. Pioneer of the science of ecology was a German biologist named Ernst Haekel (1866). The word ecology comes from the Greek, oikos which means home, and logos meaning science. So it literally means the science of ecology of living things in the house. Simply put, ecology can be defined as the study of the interrelationships between living things with their environment. Consider the following concept map.

Ecology is a branch of science that studies the relationship of a living creature and its environment. Earth has many kinds of living things, from plants and animals that are very complex to simple organisms such as fungi, yeasts and bacteria. Nevertheless all living beings without exception, can not live alone. Each depends on the other living beings or inanimate objects in sekelilinganya. For example, a deer need certain plants for food, if the plants in their environment destroyed, the deer have to move or die of starvation. Instead of plants that can live also depends on the animals to meet nutritional needs. Animal waste, dead animals and plants, provides a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to plants.Studying the ecology is very important, because our future depends on ecological relationships throughout the world. Despite the changes happening elsewhere in the world, but we will feel the consequences on the environment around us. Although ecology is a branch of biology, but an ecologist must master the other sciences such as chemistry, physics, and computer science. Ecology is also related to the field of sciences such as geology, meteorology, and oceanography, to study the environment and the relationship between land, water, and air. A multidisciplinary approach of helping ecologists to understand how the abiotic environment affects living things. It can also help to estimate or predict the impact of environmental problems such as acid rain or greenhouse effect.There are two principles in ecology, namely: (1) where an organism was not going to be able to live independently, for the life of an organism requires other organisms or the environment. (2) Environment required organisms to eat, protection, growth, breeding, etc..Ecologists study the organization of life in three levels, namely:1. PopulationThe population is a group of living beings with the same species, which live in the same area during the same time anyway. For example, all the rice in paddy form a population, as well as the existing grass or insects. Ecologists to ascertain and analyze the number and growth of the population and the relationship between each species and environmental conditions.The number of the population depends on the influence of two basic forces. First is an appropriate amount for the population to live in ideal conditions. These two conditions are combined the effects of environmental factors that limit the growth of less than ideal. Factors that limit the availability of such a low amount of food, predators, competition with fellow human beings are a species or other species, climate and disease.The largest number of a given population that can be supported by a given environment called the load capacity for the species. Normal population is usually smaller than the load capacity of the environment to those caused by the effects of bad weather, the lack of good care of the babies, hunting by predators, and other factors.The level populations of many species can change over time. Sometimes these changes are caused by natural events. For example, changes in rainfall could cause some populations rise while other populations decrease. Or the emergence of new diseases can drastically reduce the population of a species of plant or animal. For example, the bird flu poultry menyernag. Then a natural event that an earthquake or volcanic eruption destroyed the living things around. Impact of technology could also lead to changes in the population, for example, heavy equipment and automobiles produce sour gas is released into the atmosphere, which is mixed with clouds and down to earth as acid rain. In some areas that receive large amounts of acid rain fish populations declined sharply.2. CommunityCommunity is a collection of plants and plant populations that live together in an environment. Snakes, birds, grasshoppers, caterpillars, rice, grass and rats is 3rice farming community. Ecologists study the respective roles of the different species in their communities. They also studied other types of communities and how they change. Some isolated communities such as forests or grasslands can be identified easily, while others are very difficult to ascertain.A community of plants and animals that covers a vast territory called biomes. The boundaries of the different biomes are generally determined by the climate. The main biomes including desert, forest, tundra, and several types of water biomes.The role of a species in a community called the ecological role (niche). An ecological role consists of a means of interacting species in the environment, including factors such as what to eat or what it is used for energy, predator to prey, the amount of heat, light or humidity requirements, and conditions in which can be reproduced.Some ecologists feel that it is due to competition if the two species are trying to fill the role of ecological "niches" of the same, then the competition for resources will limit the range of pressing one species out. Other experts argue that a species occupies a high ecological role, do so because of the harsh physical demands of the particular roles in the community. In other words, only one species that occupy the role of ecological "niche" not because of winning the competition with other species, but because only one member of the community who have the physical ability to play the role.Community change that occurs is called ecological succession. The process that occurs in the form of sequences of slow, unpredictable changes in general ie in terms of the number and types of organisms creature somewhere. The difference in the intensity of the sun, protection from wind, and soil amendments can change the types of organisms that live in the region. These changes may also alter the population that make up the community. Furthermore, because the number and kinds of species change, the physical and chemical characteristics of the area undergo further changes. The region can achieve a relatively stable condition or called the climax community, which could end up hundreds or even thousands of years.3. Application of ecologicalApplication of ecology is the use of ecological research to achieve practical goals. This study helps us to maintain and manage natural resources and protect the environment. Applied ecologists work together scientists from various fields to try to solve the problems related to the health and prosperity of human beings, plants and animals.Ecological experts worried about the amount spent on human resources that are not renewable like coal, gas and oil, as well as pollution caused by the use of continuous. If the population continues to increase the problems of oil shortages, pollution, forest clearing, congestion, poverty and weather disturbances will also get worse ..Growing concern with loss of natural ecosystems and the many species that are lost with the change in forests and grasslands to agriculture, residential, and vacant land. Many people assume that the research activities of ecologists and contrary to economic practitioners. But ecologists believe that ecological knowledge is very necessary in the long term good of the economy. They point out that the maintenance of natural ecosystems provide many benefits to society. For example, if when the air and clean water, the community will be healthier and health care costs would be reduced. Many experts think that we can use ecological principles such as the flow of energy to understand better the human economy. Everyone should learn about ecology and the environment so that people can live in harmony with other natural inhabitants.Ecology increasingly perceived benefits after an imbalance caused by human behavior which tends to destroy the environment. Burning of forests, deforestation, indiscriminate waste disposal, paracunan, the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, is an example of the negative impact of human actions on the environment. Biologic effect is most noticeable when the eradication of pests by using pesticides or toxic chemicals. Toxic chemicals not only kill pests but also kill beneficial animals. Therefore, the ecological trying how to control living things by using other living creatures that are parasites or predators. Other ecological benefits is the application of environmentally sound development. Where any development project must involve aspects of ecology in the decision making.

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