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Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012


1. Position Pancasila Indonesia for the NationA. Nations Agreement IndonesiaThe evidence that the agreement Pancasila mrpThe Indonesian nation with the legality of strong, ableterms of:- Justification juridical (UUD 1945 and MPR),- Theoretical Justification - philosophical (Alinea Second, Fourth and Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution),- Sociological Justification - historical (regional value).B. Understanding PancasilaSome understanding of Pancasila as suggested by the experts:1. Muhammad Yamin, Pancasila derived from the word meaning five and Panca Sila meaning joint, top, bottom or rules of behavior that are important and good. Thus, the five principles of Pancasila is containing the guidelines or rules of behavior that are important and good.2. Ir. Sukarno, Pancasila is the content of the soul of Indonesia which is hereditary so dumb centuries buried by Western culture. Thus, not only the state philosophy of Pancasila, but, more broadly, the philosophy of the Indonesian nation.3. Notonegoro, Pancasila is the basic philosophy of the Indonesian state. Based on this definition it can be concluded Pancasila is essentially the basis of the philosophy and
ideology of the state is expected to be pendangan life of Indonesia as a unifying basis, as well as a symbol of unity in defense of the nation and state of Indonesia.4. Based Terminology, On 1 June 1945, the trial Investigation Agency Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUKI), Pancasila which means five basic principles digunakakn by President Soekarno to name the five basic principles of the Indonesian state are proposed.C. The process of formulation of Pancasila as the StateBPUPKI has convened two times, namely: First Session, dated May 29 s.d. June 1, 1945 (presented suggestions and opinions by members of the State and BPUPKI the Draft Constitution). Second Session, dated 10 s.d. July 17, 1945.Mr. Muhammad Yamin, on the date. May 29, 1945expressed as follows:1. Peri Nationality2. Peri Humanity3. Peri Godhead4. Peri Populist5. Welfare.Mr Soepomo, to date. May 31, 1945 submit a proposal as follows:1. Understand the Unitary2. State Transportation by Religion3. Consultative Body System4. Socialization State5. Relations between NationsIr. Sukarno, date. June 1, 1945 to propose the following:1. Nationality Indonesia2. Internationalism or humanitarianism3. Consensus or democracy4. Social welfare5. Deity are cultured.Small Committee at a hearing PPKI, date. June 22, 1945, as follows:1. Deity, with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents.2. Just and civilized humanity3. Unity of Indonesia4. Democracy guided by the wisdom of representative deliberation wisdom5. Social justice for all Indonesian peopleSmall Paniti duty to classify and examine written records during the trial. Chairman: Ir. Sukarno Members: 1) Drs. Mohammad Hatta, 2) Mr. Muhammad Yamin, 3) Mr. A. Subardjo, 4) Mr. A.A. Maramis 5) K.H. A. Kahar Moezakkir, 6) CRC Wachid Hasjim, 7) Abikusno Tjokrosujoso, 8) H. Agus Salim Small committee or a committee of nine (9) that ultimately lead to the Jakarta Charter (Jakarta Charter).Final formulation of Pancasila, set date August 18, 1945, as follows:1. Belief in One God2. Just and Civilized Humanity3. Unity of Indonesia4. Democracy guided by the wisdom of the wisdom of deliberation / representation5. Social justice for all Indonesian peopleIndonesia Nations determined that the Pancasila as the state can not be changed by anyone, including by the Assembly election results. (Tap MPRS No.. XX/MPRS/1966, jo No.XVIII/MPR/1988 MPR and MPR No.III/MPR/2000).d. Position Pancasila Indonesia for the NationPancasila as the Republic of Indonesia:- As a basis for the rules of government and state.- Equity remains strong, and can not be changed by anyone, including by the MPR-DPR election results.- It is a fundamental rule of the country, that the written fundamental law (the Constitution), the unwritten law (conventions), and all applicable laws or regulations must be based on Pancasila.Pancasila As a Way of Life People:A guideline and grip in the developmentnation and state in order to:- Ability to stand firm,- Can know the direction in identifying and solving problems (ideological, political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security) faced by the nation, and- Do not blindly tossed by any circumstances, including in today's global era.e. As an ideology Pancasila OpenSome notion of ideology:- Destult de Tracy, Ideology is part of the philosophy is the science that underlies the other sciences such as education, ethics and politics, and so on.- Labaratorium IKIP Malang, ideology is a set of values, ideas and ideals along with guidelines and methods of carrying out / make it happen.- Dictionary of Popular Science, Ideology are the ideals that are the basis of a political system, ideology and belief onwards (socialist ideology, the ideology of Islam, and others).- Moerdiono, Ideology is a complex of knowledge and values, which altogether form the basis for a person (the public) to understand the universe and the earth all and determine the basic attitude to manage it.- Ensyclopedia International, ideology is a "system of ideas, belief, and attitudes roomates underlie the way of live in a particular group, class, or society" (a system of ideas, beliefs, and attitudes that underlie the way of life of a group, class or special community .- Prof. Padmo Wahyono, SH., Ideology given meaning as a way of life of the nation, the nation's philosophy of life, a set of values ​​and aspired to be realized in the life of a group. This ideology will provide stability and direction in life while providing a dynamic group of movement towards the aspired.- Dr. Alfian, ideology is a view or value system a thorough and in-depth on how that should be, which is considered morally right and fair, adjust behavior together in various facets of life.

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